I'm Dhifan Razaqa



"Wicara" was developed as a group project for the GEMASTIK 2023 Software competition. It is an app designed to assist students in enhancing their public speaking skills. The app consists of educational content presented in a format like Instagram/WhatsApp stories. Additionally, it provides exercises such as quiz-based question answering and real-time speaking exercises, which are evaluated by an AI. The backend is constructed using the Flask micro-framework in Python, while the frontend is developed using Flutter to cater to mobile devices.

Not available yet
Flask & FLutter
Full-stack / 2023

Cinema App

Cinema booking app, book a seat in available movies. Developed using Express Js + EJS with PostgreSQL database deployed in Vercel. This app is impelemented the popular Clean Architecture and also implemented Test Driven Development.

Express JS & PostgreSQL
Full-stack / 2023

Forum API

Developed as a final project for Dicoding Backend Developer expert class.

Hapi JS & PostgreSQL
Back-end / 2023

Open Music REST API

Developed as a final project for Dicoding Backend Developer intermediate class. Building a RESTful API for Open Music applications using the Hapi framework. Uses a PostgreSQL database as a persistent data store. Implement authentication techniques to validate users consuming RESTful APIs. As well as implementing authorization techniques to validate user resources.

Hapi JS & PostgreSQL
Back-end / 2023

Django: Realtime Chat

Simple Realtime Chat Application built using Django. This project aims to increase my knowledge about websocket which is a duplex protocol used primarily in client-server communication channels. It’s bidirectional in nature which means communication happens to and fro between client-server.

Django & WebSocket
Full-stack / 2022

Jasa Pengiriman Barang REST API

This project is based on my Database course's final project. We were divided into several groups, and each group had to create a database about a specific topic. We have the freedom to choose the database that we want to create. We started by defining the business process and continued with the database design and its implementation in MySQL. Although the ER diagram design is a group project, the REST API itself is my personal project.

Express JS & MySQL
Back-end / 2022

Django: Bing Scraper

Scrape images from Bing search using keyword and automatically create posts that have multiple images. You can enter multiple keywords to create a post in single run and each keyword will have multiple images.

Django & Beautifulsoup4
Full-stack / 2022

Netra for Visually Impaired People

Machine Learning / 2021